Foolproof Bites

Matthew Todd

Season 4 Episode 13

Matthew Todd is a Scottish musician and film maker, trained at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He is a managing director of Scottish film company, Fellowship Film,  and currently is promoting their latest feature Jessie and the Elf Boy for which he is a co-writer and producer. 

He has a deep love of community music and is trained in Intensive Interaction which can be used to communicate with adults and children with severely limited speech or movement and his regular work includes music provision for autistic children. He has worked in many schools and a variety of other settings including prisons, a Romanian orphanage, and also works part time for the creative arts charity, Out of the Box,  and directed the short film Full Armour which went on to be an official selection in the International Christian Film Festival. He also directed the award winning short film Fallen and is in post production for Nelson the Giant,  a short film collaboration with a singer / songwriter from Canada with a mission to tackle bullying by fostering empathy in children.

Out of the Box
Full Armour
Fellowship Film
Nelson the Giant

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